
1990, Torino


It so happens that in 2015, human relationships are often mediated by acrylic systems, fictitious surrogates for real relationships.
From social networks and their array of chats to automatic supermarket checkouts, we are no longer used to managing the most basic and instinctive communications in a simple and natural manner. Going into the specifically sentimental field, love and its individual management remain in a continuous state of change along with the rest of society. Couples, marriages and divorces change constantly, just like sexuality, female sexuality in particular, emancipated into a dimension of autoerotism, rendered acceptable and even encouraged by the market.
Amore Sintetico is simply a synthesis of that which lies between our uto- pian and unhistoricisable idealisation of long-term romantic sentiment, and the intimate, solitary and solid relationship, which each of us has with him/herself and his/her subconscious.

“I am 25 years of age, and I am a futurist aero-poet, doubly inspired by the Nation at war and by the woman in love.
I have never believed tomes that psychologise Love, yet I believe in the experience of the Genius, who having lived so very much throughout his life, is none the worse for it […]
Abandoning the systematic use of twilight and the night stars as stimuli of Love, those morbid anti-fertile means and generators of morbidity and deviation, in favour of rays of sunlight, the blossoming spring, sandy beaches or the sheer cliffs above the sea and the innately fertile moment of high noon […]
Not destroying but objectifying the theatricality of love, made up of intriguing mystery and surprise, this element so far overlooked and in actual fact destined to encourage the great future Synthetic Love.”

A. Tullier, Manifesto dell’amore Mediterraneo included in: F.T. Marinetti, Farfa, G. Acquaviva, A. Giunitni, Canzoniere Futurista Amoroso Guerriero, Savona, Brizio, 1943


Giulia Solia, Amore Sintetico, 2015, detail
Giulia Solia, Amore Sintetico, 2015, detail
Giulia Solia, Amore Sintetico, 2015, installation and details
Giulia Solia, Amore Sintetico, 2015, installation detail
Giulia Solia, A Bipolar Love Story V_2, 2014, installation
Giulia Solia, A Bipolar Love Story V_2, 2014, installation
Giulia Solia, A Bipolar Love Story V_2, 2014, installation
Giulia Solia, A Bipolar Love Story V_2, 2014, installation